Credit: Rusi Mchedlishvili
Edward A. Lee
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Wednesday, June the 10th
I argue that we are less in control of the trajectory of technology than we think. Technology shapes us as much as we shape it, and it may be more defensible to think of technology as the result of a Darwinian coevolution than the result of top-down intelligent design. To understand this question requires a deep dive into how evolution works, how humans are different from computers, and how technology development today resembles the emergence of a new life form on our planet.
Biography: Edward A. Lee has been working on embedded software systems for 40 years, and after detours through Yale, MIT, and Bell Labs, landed at Berkeley, where he is now Professor of the Graduate School in EECS. His research is focused on cyber-physical systems. He is author of leading textbooks on embedded systems and digital communications, and has recently been writing books on philosophical and social implications of technology.
Thomas Baudel
Research Director, IBM France Lab
Thursday, June the 11th
Decision Engineering aims at streamlining and improving decision processes in large and highly dependable businesses. In the last 20 years, at the IBM France Lab, we have delivered top of the line solutions in business rules management systems, prescriptive analytics & optimization, business process management and robotic process automation, to many of the largest organizations in the world. Leveraging new opportunities arising from technological progress, such as predictive analytics or new computer-supported collaboration practices, raises interesting new challenges for our product lines. Some of those challenges are not purely technological, they involve careful thinking on the role of technology in organizations, and ensuring fundamental properties of trustworthiness, accountability, transparency and alignment with the company’s and societal values are preserved in the complex intertwining of human and automated decision processes. Addressing them involves Design Ethics, AI Ethics, Information Ethics in general, which so far were not considered part of the regular engineer’s curriculum. They require introducing new approaches to software design. In this journey, we learn that while we tend to think ethical issues are mostly addressed with morality and law, many of past and present ethical challenges may also be addressed with technological solutions. In this talk, we intend to convey some of our findings regarding addressing those challenges, as our societies become more and more dependent on our information infrastructure.
Thomas Baudel is Research Director at the IBM France R&D Lab, leading research projects on a variety of decision engineering products. He holds a PhD in computer science from University of Paris-Sud. His HCI background has allowed him to contribute to a range of research domains besides decision engineering: from 3D computer graphics, with the academy award winning Maya animation software, to Information Visualization with precursor products in the area, Computer Music, Urban Informatics, and, most recently, Information Ethics as an applied domain, with the goal of designing information systems encompassing both human factors and information technologies to deliver decision systems that are fair, accountable, transparent, explainable, trustable and aligned to our societies’ values.
He is member of the board of the University Paris-Saclay doctoral school, where he teaches the mandatory class on Research and Computer Ethics, Member of the board of the French HCI society AFIHM and participates to several national research policy governing instances in France. He holds 21 patents and about 15 publications at international venues.
Matthias Jarke
Informatik 5, RWTH Aachen University & Fraunhofer FIT
Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Friday, June the 12th
While the privacy of personal data has captured great attention in the public debate, resulting e.g. in the European GDPR guideline, the sovereignty of small and medium knowledge-intensive enterprises over the usage of their own data in the presence of dominant data-hungry players in the Internet needs more investigation. In Europe, even the concept of data ownership is unclear. The first part of the talk will reflect on requirements analyses, reference architectures and solution concepts pursued by the International Data Spaces Association to address these issues.
The second part will more deeply explore our current interdisciplinary research in which 27 research groups from production and materials engineering, computer science, business and social sciences jointly address the analytic exploitation of data and the sovereignty of the data producers in a visionary “Internet of Production (IoP)”. In this setting, massive amounts of heterogeneous data must be exchanged and analyzed, throughout the lifecycle from (re-)engineering, to production, usage and recycling, under hard resource and time constraints. A shared metaphor, borrowed from Platon’s famous Cave Allegory, serves as the core modeling and data management approach from a conceptual, logical, physical, and business perspective
Biography: Matthias Jarke is Professor of Databases and Information Systems at RWTH Aachen University and Director of the Fraunhofer FIT Institute for Applied Information Technology. After master degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration, he received a Doctorate in Business Informatics from the University of Hamburg, and served on the faculties of the Stern School of Business at New York University and at the University of Passau prior to joining RWTH Aachen in 1991. Previous positions include President of the GI German Informatics Society, and member of the Fraunhofer Presidential Board. In his research, he investigates conceptual modeling and metadata management in business, engineering, and culture. He is currently co-speaker of the DFG-funded German national Excellence Cluster “Internet of Production”, and initiator of the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy in Aachen. He has served on numerous Editorial Boards, including Chief Editor of Information Systems, and as Program Chair of conferences such as CAiSE, EDBT, ER, SSDBM, and VLDB. He is a member of the acatech National Academy of Engineering and Sciences, and a Fellow of the ACM and the GI.
Adela del-Río-Ortega and Manuel Resinas
Universidad de Sevilla,
Dpto. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Avda. de la Reina Mercedes s/n
Sevilla, 41.012 — España (Spain)
[name] [at] us [dot] es
Business process performance management (PPM) aims atassessing the achievement of strategic and operational goals and supporting decision-making for the continuous optimisation of business processes. To carry out this evaluation, information systems must provide mechanisms to support the modelling, gathering, visualisation and analysis of a set of indicators that evaluate performance-relevant data of one or several business processes. Unfortunately, up to date, there is not a well-established holistic standard or a set of good practices that guide these tasks. Instead, this is usually done based on the experience and intuition of the process owners, CIOs, CEOs and domain experts, often applying ad-hoc techniques and tools. This tutorial will offer participants the opportunity to get to know and use in a practical setting a set of guidelines and techniques, based on existing well-grounded literature from both academic and industrial researchers, that address the modelling, evaluation analysis and visualisation of performance indicators.
Monique Snoeck and Daria Bogdanova
In this tutorial we present 4C/ID, an instructional design model for complex learning, which was developed by Jeroen van Merriënboer (see The model has been widely adopted for teaching various complex learning subjects. Complex learning subjects are characterized by the fact that many solutions exist for a single problem, and that different paths can be followed to achieve a good solution.
The goal of the tutorial is to provide an overview of the 4C/ID model, its four main components, and to exemplify how it can be applied to teach requirements engineering and conceptual modelling. The tutorial will conclude with an evaluation of the benefits and difficulties associated with using this model, and advice on how to start implementing this instructional design model.
Sandro Bimonte
TSCF, INRAE Clermont-Ferrand
Data Warehouse (DW) design methodologies have been widely investigated in literature. Nowadays, with the advent of crowdsourcing systems, more and more volunteers collect data for scientific purposes (i.e. citizen science). Involving volunteers in the DW design process raises several research issues that are discussed in this tutorial. In particular, we detail our volunteer DW design methodology based on ad-hoc elicitation methods, rapid prototyping, and collaborative design
Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman
Carnegie Mellon University – Silicon Valley
Moffett Field, CA 94035 USA
This tutorial defines free and open source software (FOSS), and gives some of its relevant history. The tutorial describes the benefits of FOSS software, and the processes used to build and maintain it. Emphasis is given to the ways by which individuals and organizations can find, evaluate, and use FOSS, as well as methods for contributing to the community for a FOSS project. We cover the concept of an Open Source Project Office, and the way that it can serve an organization or company in managing its use of FOSS.
In recent years, organizations have increasingly relied on FOSS for information system development. We review the open source components that are most relevant for building modern information systems, including content management systems, NoSQL database management systems, AI tools, containers and microservices, as well as techniques for scalable cloud deployments.
Paul Grefen and Oktay Turetken
This tutorial provides researchers and advanced practitioners in the field of information system analysis and design with two main chunks of knowledge. The first is a thorough understanding of the nature of service-dominant business models for the specification of collaborations in business ecosystems in a digital world. The second is working knowledge about a specification technique (Business Model Radars) for this purpose in the context of a broader design methodology (BASE/X). BASE/X emphasizes the distinction between business model design and business model operationalization as flexible business processes that use stable business services for their implementation. As such the approach advocates the decoupling of strategically defined (digital) business capabilities (encapsulated in the services) and flexible deployment of these capabilities for the embodiment of agile business models. This decoupling strongly enhances the resilience of information system designs in the context of highly changeable business settings. Given this, the operational learning objectives of the tutorial for the participants are threefold: (1) be able to analyze and understand a digital business collaboration from an agile, service-dominant point of view; (2) be able to explain the role of business-resilient information systems in the facilitation of such an agile business collaboration; (3) be able to apply the BASE/X Business Model Radar (BMR) technique to design business models for such collaborations in simple scenarios, as well as being able to understand existing BMR models for more complex scenarios.